(As if you were nobody)


Como si Fuera Nadie

Date Saturday 26 February 2011
`Como si fuera nadie` (As if you were nobody) of Julio Baccaro is a Spanish-language theatre play about a reunion of two ordinary people: Two lives without flight or changes. Lives which are so anonymous that no one knows what`s really going on in each other’s mind. In an attempt to circumvent their loneliness, to conquer their prejudices, they end up in a disturbing game. A game of seduction and beginning to identify their secret and desires in the hope to forget their faded life beings for a moment…
Saturday 19th and 26th of February at 9pm in the cultural centre `Caras y Caretas`(Faces and Masks). Venezuela 370. Entrance $35.
For further information you can visit the website: http://www.carasycaretas.org/ or send an email to centrocultural@carasycaretas.org.ar. Tel.: (0054)11-53546618.